Sachin Tendulkar accepts PM Modi's 'Clean India' challenge, picks up broom -"Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan"

Dear all, Recently our PM Mr. Modi launched "Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan" by himself sweeping streets in Delhi. I know including myself most of us are not going to participate in sweeping of public places. But still we can contribute and bring change and make India clean. So please let us join with me and commit.

I, Sunder Singh Mehra, as a responsible citizen of India commit that i will not throw any garbage /wastage on road & street. I will throw garbage only in dustbin or location provided for same.
I shall also Share  this message among all my dearer, nearer ones and also to my all contact/friends on telephone directory, whatsapp, facebook etc.
and with our efforts if we are able to change even a single person this will surely help to make india clean, swachh and this abhiyaan a great success. 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳

Please Share As Much As You Can And Help In Making India Clean

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